11 November 2011

The Impenetrably Quagmire Part III: Delusion

People used to say that you should be able to be your own doctor when you are traveling. So I went to an Internet café at Jogibara Road to search for some medical information about my current ill state. By comparing and matching with my symptoms, I listed out all the possible diseases I might be infected:-

1.       Yellow fever
2.       Dengue
3.       Malaria
4.       Meningitis
5.       Tuberculosis
6.       Pneumonia
7.       Hepatitis
8.       AIDS(?!!!)

OK. Sometimes it’s better to stay ignorant rather than being too conscious. I couldn’t sleep after reading through all the medical articles. My mind never ceases of thinking about the possible illness I’m subjected to until illusion and hallucination jumbled my already-distracted mind.

‘It’s dengue.’

‘I think it’s malaria.’

‘It’s regret to inform you that you are suffering from meningitis.’

‘Sir, I think you have pneumonia.’

All kinds of voice echoed around the room until I failed to distinguish what’s the reality and what’s the delusion and when I was in total consciousness and when I was in a dream of delirium. Again, I felt myself so helpless and lonely that I can’t even feel piteous on my little soul.

OK! OK! I’m going to pay a visit to a doctor tomorrow. Ya, to pay!

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