21 September 2011

Reaching Pakistan

So it took me 53 days in total to reach Pakistan from Iran by land(check out The Voyage to learn about my route). Christopher, the South African guy I always met in my entire trip in Iran who later chose to fly from Iran to India when failed to obtained a Pakistani visa, was always wondering why I opted the hard way. ‘After all, time would sweep away the entire feat you created and were once proud of,’ said him. He might be right but besides of the feat, I strongly believe that traveling overland enables me to see the world better and clearer, especially when you can see the sudden change and feel the ensuing impact when you cross from a country to another via their land borders and hence stand a better chance to learn about why while some borders are open, others remain close. This is the reason why I always spend as much time as possible at the borders or the no-man’s land in between and refuse to take any shuttle though I was not allowed to most of the time.

My first impression as soon as arriving in Pakistan was good enough to have made me come out with an idea to spend at least a month here before moving to the east. Stay tuned on my upcoming blog entry to learn about why.

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