23 October 2011

Chronic Gastroenteritis

Chronic Gastroenteritis! Yes, it’s Chronic Gastroenteritis! (Should I say ‘Bingo?’)

It took me months to ascertain that I’m actually suffering from chronic gastroenteritis after going through self-diagnosis using online medical assistance.

Chronic Gastroenteritis is marked by severe inflammation of the gastrointestinal tracts(stomach and small intestines) which results in diarrhea and vomiting(I’m not). It is usually due to consumption of improperly prepared food or contaminated water and travel or residence in areas poor of sanitation. Engorgement may also lead to Chronic Gastroenteritis.

Symptoms and Signs

Chronic Gastroenteritis often involves stomach pains or spasm, diarrhea and/or vomiting, with non-inflammatory infections of the upper small bowel, or inflammatory infections of the colon. The condition is usually of acute onset, normally lasting 1-6 days.

1.       Nausea and vomiting
2.       Diarrhea
3.       Dehydration
4.       Fever
5.       Cold
6.       Sleepy
7.       Fatigue
8.       Anxiety
9.       Abdominal flatulence
10.   Abdominal cramps
11.   Heart bum 

The Proper Diet for Diarrhea

The traditional diarrhea-stopping diet is often referred to as the BRAT diet:-

B – Banana; R – Rice; A – Applesauce; T – Toast 

Banana is heavy and bulky and yet non-irritating to the digestive system; rice is a bland and calming filler; applesauce is easy to be digested and toast is particularly vital as it will soak up any extra stomach acid and thus reducing the stomach’s tendency to overproduce acid during diarrhea.

Apart from BRAT, glucose, green bean(soup), boiled potato, bread made out of refined wheat, oatmeal and porridge are also recommended to provide great solace to your stomach. If you are unsure if the food is fully cooked, don’t take the food prepared by others.

Bear in mind that clean water, electrolyte(sodium & potassium)-replacing beverages and fresh fruit juice are especially essential to replenish the fluids and salts rapidly lost during diarrhea and hence avoid dehydration.

Foods to be avoided

It’s best to avoid dairy products, oily, spicy and fried food, sweet and sugary food, high fiber and sucrose vegetable and fruits, cigarette & caffeine until the diarrhea have stopped. Avoid eating cooked food that was prepared in unhygienic conditions or any other food whose origin you are not sure about. Raw or half-cooked meat is a strictly ‘NO’. Food high in simple sugars such as soft drinks should be avoided. Do not drink tap water.

Note: Understanding that oily, spicy and fried foods are strictly ‘NO’ and the key ingredients of most Pakistani(and Indian soon after) dishes are of oil and spices, I think I’m dying in the Indian sub-continent.

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