25 March 2011

In Search for Faith

[Day 1][Week 11][Month 3]

Have you ever put your faith on God every time you feel hopeless on something which is beyond your ability? Do you put hope on God and wish for miracle only when you are in despair?
This was the first time I attended a Christian mass. And it was far away from my home, in here – Deir Mar Musa, Syria.

What would that be if I am telling you I am coming here in search for faith? First of all, I have no faith on anything whatsoever and yet, I don’t feel bad without it. I know nothing about faith and what faith can do to a living. Of course, I’m not in desperate for faith at the moment but I’m pretty sure that I will need it when the times come.

I still remember how naïve I was when there were some opportunities for me to attend the similar events when I was in the high school in which I turned all away just because it was something in connection with religion. In fact, I never short of Christian friends and yes, I never get invited to a mass but I’m pretty sure that if I asked, they will not say no to me.

Since the time I got close to religion, I have been in a wish to attend a mass. Did I tell you that I just finished watching a movie-series of ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ which I borrowed from one of my friend in Bahrain? I still remember how impressed I were and I was so moved at that moment that I watched it over and over again until the scenes embedded vividly in my mind. Don’t get frowned or try to question me on the cause. After all, that isn’t important at all.

Yes, I have been longing to read The Holy Bible and The Al-Quran, especially after visiting the biblical sites in Jordan. So, let’s start with Book of Genesis and Gospel of Matthew.

Wish me good luck!

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