01 May 2011

Mount Nemrut, I’m Rich!

Finally, I’m in Mount Nemrut now. Mount Nemrut has been on my list since setting up my foot on the land of Anatolia years ago and I swore to myself I will definitely make myself here in one day.

And it’s today – 1st May 2011.

Together with Greg from United States and Keisuke from Japan, we sat in a dolmus (Yes! How luxurious it was to have the whole dolmus by ourselves) which brought us to the spellbinding peak of Mount Nemrut.

This was the first time I joined a tour. Felt guilty on myself but hey…let me finish…

There was a dolmus leaving from the town I stayed on daily basis except Sunday(Damn! Today is Sunday!) to Karadut, a mountain village 6km from the summit but will only return the following day. That means I have to find a place to stay somewhere in Karadut. After estimating all the cost to get there by myself and the ensuing cost comparison, I handed out YTL 65 to the money-faced manager of the hotel I stayed and whispered to myself:  ‘I’m rich!.’
Nemrut Dağı
Note: Nemrut Dağı is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Site (Cultural Site) inscribed in 1987.

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