31 March 2011


I’m very curious to know what people think during the meditation session.

‘What are you thinking during the meditation’? So I asked Dada when we took a short uphill walk from the monastery after lunch. ‘Yoga!’She told me in a shamefaced answer.

What I’m thinking during the meditation was always something related to what I’m going to write for my blog entries. Haha…what a shame! God must be angry for this. I have been trying hard to focus on something more spiritual which I can totally put all my concentration on but it just didn’t work.

Oh, Lord. Please forgive me.
Dada and I, Deir Mar Musa, March 2011
Christina and I, Deir Mar Musa, March 2011
Note: Daylight Saving Time(DST) will be applied after tonight. Spring is at the corner. I have to adjust my watch one hour forward, that means I will be losing one hour when I wake up tomorrow morning. J

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